Smucker, Mervin

Mervin Smucker is an internationally recognized psychologist renowned for his innovative training seminars and workshops on how to treat trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder with imagery rescripting.

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by Mervin Smucker
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Post-Imagery Rescripting Questionnaire–A



Name of Client: __________________________  Date:  ______



After each IRRT session, ask the client to rate on a 0-100 scale the following:



*A. How vivid was the imagery you experienced during our session

                        0 = Could not develop imagery at all

                    100 = Extremely vivid



B. How much did you mentally escape or “dissociate” during the

                        0 = Did not mentally escape or dissociate at all
                              during the imagery

                    100 = Mentally escaped or dissociated so much that
                              you could not 
stay with the imagery




1. How afraid were you, the ADULT, of confronting the

                        0 = Not at all afraid of confronting the

                    100 = Extremely afraid (as afraid as you’ve ever felt)



*2. How much anger did you, the ADULT, feel towards the

                        0 = No anger at all

                    100 = Extreme anger (as angry as you have ever felt
                              towards anyone)    



3. How powerless did you, the ADULT, feel when confronting the


                        0 = Felt very empowered

                    100 = Felt extremely helpless and powerless


4. How difficult was it for you, the ADULT, to rescue the CHILD

                  from the abuse scene?

                        0 = Not at all difficult (able to rescue the CHILD
                              without difficulty)

                    100 = Extremely difficult (unable to rescue the CHILD
                              without help)


*5. How much did you, the ADULT, feel the perpetrator(s) was
for the abuse?

                        0 = Did not feel the perpetrator(s) was at all
                              responsible for the abuse

                    100 = Felt the perpetrator(s) was totally responsible
                              for the abuse



6. How much did you, the ADULT, feel the CHILD was responsible

                  for the abuse?

                        0 = Felt the CHILD was not at all responsible for
                              the abuse

                    100 = Felt the CHILD was totally responsible for the



7. How much anger did you, the ADULT, feel towards the CHILD?

                        0 = No anger at all

                    100 = Extreme anger (as angry as you have ever felt
                              toward anyone)



*8. How difficult was it for you, the ADULT, to nurture the CHILD?

                        0 = Unable to nurture the CHILD

                    100 = Able to nurture the CHILD without difficulty



*9. How accepting was the CHILD of you, the ADULT?

                        0 = Not at all accepting

                    100 = Totally accepting



*10. How safe did the CHILD feel with you, the ADULT?

                        0 = Not at all safe

                    100 = Totally safe



                                                  Total PIQ Score        _____





Post-Imagery Rescripting Questionnaire-A (PIQ-A)

© Mervin Smucker